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  • Dennis Pearl

CAUSE Director Report

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CAUSE competitions are a great way to get your students (and yourself) involved in thinking about statistical issues in a fun way:

  • The monthly cartoon caption contest continues each month with a new cartoon by British cartoonist John Landers posted on the 2nd of the month and with caption submissions due the first of the next month. Winners have a choice of a mug or a t-shirt with their cartoon imprinted on it.

  • The biennial A-mu-sing competition collected entries for jokes, poems, songs, and videos that help teach a statistical lesson. Prizes totaling $1000 will be announced on April 1st.

To support growing the statistics education community, and to stimulate building the digital library at, we are starting a Rewards Program that will go live this spring. Points will be rewarded for such things as registering for CAUSEweb and adding your name to the Statistics Education map, giving star ratings or leaving comments about a resource for teaching statistics, attending CAUSE events like webinars, workshops, USCOTS or eCOTS, or entering CAUSE competitions. Points will then be exchangeable for a variety of statistical prizes. Thanks to the Rewards Program committee for working out the details (Christine Frankin, Robin Lock, Mvududu Nyaradzo, and Rebecca Pierce).

In order to make the quote collection on CAUSEweb more inclusive, we are adding one or two quotes by female authors per day for the next month. This will allow the collection to have at least 30% of its entries by female authors. The quotes in our collection are fully referenced and annotated with suggestions for use in teaching and include a picture of the author. Suggestions for quotes should be sent to Dennis Pearl at

CAUSE professional development events like webinars and workshops are ongoing. Sign up for the CAUSE eNEWS to stay informed.

Dennis Pearl, CAUSE Director

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