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Time to start planning for JSM 2018!

Kelly McConville

July 28 - August 2, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Although JSM 2017 is still months away, the planning for JSM 2018 is about to begin! The first item on the agenda is selecting Invited Sessions. If there's a statistical education topic that you think should be presented at JSM, please consider putting together a proposal. Organizing a session is a great way to get involved and to give back to the section. If you have any questions or want to discuss ideas, feel free to send me an email at

Q & A about Invited Sessions

Q: I have an idea. What should I do next?

A: Talk to others about your idea. Find speakers. Share your idea with me. Submit a proposal on the JSM 2018 website.

Q: What is the structure of an invited session?

A: They are flexible. Based on what will work best for your topic, you can organize a set of 2-6 talks, a 3-6 person panel discussion, or an e-poster session with 20-30 presenters.

Q: What needs to be included in the proposal?

A: Session title, description of the session, list of participants, and tentative talk titles.

Q: When are invited session proposals due?

A: Between mid-July and early September of 2017.

Q: What if my proposal is not selected for an invited session?

A: It can be re-submitted as a topic contributed session.

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