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  • Kelly McConville

Looking for a New Year's Resolution that will stick? Consider participating at JSM 2018 in Vanco

Here are some options:

  • Organize a topic-contributed session

  • A proposal includes a session title, general description of the session, list of participants, and tentative talk titles.

  • You must have exactly 5 speakers (3-5 presenters and 0-2 discussants).

  • Proposals are due by January 11th. Submit here!

  • You can find more details here.

  • Organizers will be notified of the status of their proposed session by January 18, 2018.

  • Give a contributed presentation using one of the many platforms

  • Paper: A fifteen minute talk.

  • Poster: Traditional poster session.

  • Speed: A 5 minute talk and digital poster session.

  • This hybrid format allows you to introduce your work to a broad audience, and then discuss your topic in detail with interested parties at the interactive poster session.

  • All contributed presentation abstracts must be submitted by February 1st.

  • You can find details on submitting an abstract here.

If you have any questions about the submission process, feel free to send me an email at Cheers to the new year! And regardless of whether or not your resolutions are statistical in nature, I hope to see you at JSM!

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