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Journal of Statistics Education (JSE) Calls for Editor Applications

Eric Sampson, ASA Journals Manager

The American Statistical Association invites applications for the position of editor of the Journal of Statistics Education. JSE disseminates knowledge for the improvement of statistics education at all levels, including elementary, secondary, post-secondary, post-graduate, continuing, and workplace education. It is distributed electronically and, in accord with its broad focus, publishes articles that enhance the exchange of a diversity of interesting and useful information among educators, practitioners, and researchers around the world. The intended audience includes anyone who teaches statistics, as well as those interested in research on statistical and probabilistic reasoning. All submissions are rigorously refereed using a double-blind peer review process

The new editor will serve from 2019 through 2021, with the transition beginning in 2018.

The JSE editor, working with the editorial coordinator, reviews new submissions and selects papers for review by referees. The editor also prepares new issues and writes decision letters. JSE receives about 125 submissions a year and publishes in March, July, and November.The JSE Editor receives significant assistance from the Editorial Coordinator, an independent contractor engaged by the ASA.

Applications for the editorship should be sent electronically to, and should include a CV; the names of 3 references; and a letter of interest in the position including a brief statement of the candidate’s vision for the publication, directions the candidate would pursue, and contributions she or he would make if selected as editor. The deadline for applications is February 9, 2018. Please note: JSE editors must be active members of the ASA during their terms.

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