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CAUSE Director Report 2018

Dennis Pearl


1. Last March we launched the Rewards program.

2. Later last spring we launched the revised quote collection - now with more than 30% of the quotes being by female authors.

3. We still have the monthly cartoon caption contest - a great way to involve students in thinking about statistical concepts (new cartoons posted at the beginning of each month and caption submissions due by the end of the month)

4. This year the May 21 - 25, 2018 eCOTS theme is "Data Science for All!" (Rebecca Nugent, program chair) with keynote presentations by Jeff Leek and Dick DeVeaux, four virtual workshops disseminating the work of NSF funded projects, virtual posters, breakout sessions, and ten associated regional face-to-face conferences: A full 40 hours of programming for a registration fee of only $25 ($15 if you work at one of the 60 CAUSE institutional partners). Last year we have over 600 participants - let's see if we can break that record!

5. We now host two USPROC competitions per year and the eUSR undergraduate research virtual conference (the Nov, 2017 conference had over 200 registrants). This undergraduate research initiative is now a joint effort with ASA.

6. The VOICES song in STEM education virtual conference held Sept 27-28, 2017 was a great success in bringing together a multidisciplinary group of folks who use music in teaching STEM subjects (see for the archived recordings of the entire conference). The next VOICES conference will be September 26-27, 2018.

7. Our regular webinar series continues, the next one is March 27 on "Statistical knowledge among Health Science Faculty" discusses a statistical knowledge instrument developed for faculty.

8. The Statistics Education Map now has 212 educators included - adding your name lets others in the Stat Ed Community from your area find you.

Dennis Pearl, Director of CAUSE

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