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  • Christine Franklin

Report from the ASA/NCTM Committee

ASA/NCTM Committee, February 2018

The committee met February 2-3, 2018 at NCTM headquarters in Reston, VA. All members were present. Thank you to NCTM for hosting.

Highlights of the meeting:

  • NCTM representatives along with Chris presented to the committee the roll out of Catalyzing Change, a new policy document from NCTM on high school mathematics. The purpose of the document is to discuss broadening math, catalyze discussions of the challenges, define imperatives, identify essential concepts for focus, and recommend common pathways followed by alternative paths of study. One of the main content sections is statistics and probability. Chris was a member of the high school task force. The document will be unveiled at the NCTM annual conference in April and there will be several sessions at the conference connected to the document. NCTM is also planning several professional development opportunities with school districts.

  • Our new journal Statistics Teacher is being promoted to K-12 teachers. This peer reviewed journal has informative articles for K-12 teachers and also features Statistics Teacher Education Web (STEW) peer reviewed lesson plans. The journal is accessible to all – you do not have to be a member of ASA.

  • The Pre-K-12 GAISE 2 writing team is progressing with updating GAISE 1 – projected completion is January 2020 with roll out of GAISE 2 at the NCTM annual conference in April 2020 – the 100th anniversary of NCTM.

  • The Spanish translation of GAISE 1 will be rolled out at ICOTS this July. This will include an online version and a printed version.

  • The committee is supporting the writing of a book for statistics and mathematics educators to use with preparing K-12 teachers. Anna Bargagliotti and Chris are writing the book. All the units have been drafted and the review process is starting. Goal date for completion is January 2020 with roll out at the same time as the GAISE 2 update.

  • The committee is supporting the writing of a statistical modeling book – it will be a series of investigations for high school level similar in format to middle school book, Bridging the Gap. This is a collaborative effort with New Zealand. Tentative goal for publication is latter part of 2019.

  • The school level Poster competition has a new rubric. The new rubric is online: The poster competition is now titled data visualization.

  • For the Projects competition, it was decided to suspend the grades 7-9 competition due to lack of entries. The entries have all been coming in grades 10-12.

  • Meeting within a Meeting will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, July 31 and Aug 1 at JSM in Vancouver. BAPS will not be held this year since JSM is in Canada.

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